The Pendulum
Imagine a feeling, any feeling or emotion. How long will it last?
Imagine a pendulum. The higher you lift it in one direction, the more power you give it to swing up on the other side. You will perhaps notice its weight and resistance even more when you let it go.
It is the same with feelings – they swing! You may like one side more than the other. If you try to fight the pendulum and try to get it to climb high up on the side you prefer, you will give it the power to climb higher on the opposite side – the one you dislike.
For a short while, you may stop it or lift it higher then it’s natural cycle. But this will take strength. And sooner or later it will go to the side you dislike anyway – and with the extra power you’ve been giving it! In fact, in the moment that you notice resistance in your efforts to get the pendulum in your desired direction, it’s power is in the opposite direction.
If you on the other hand are willing to let the pendulum swing, you won’t put your energy into the pendulum and you do not give the side you dislike any extra energy. For some people it may swing more than for others. Some might like it, others will be seasick.